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Autumn is my favourite time of year. I say that every year, but I know that it’s a half truth. I LOVE Autumn. I love warm jumpers, I love new boots and crunchy leaves on the ground. I love the colours, the chill in the air and I LOVE Halloween and Bonfire Night. I love Autumn.

I also know that I say that whatever season is just beginning is my favourite. When we get the first frost and the car is covered in beautiful patterns and you can see your breath when you go for walks, Winter is my favourite season. When the first signs of life appear and the world get so green, Spring is my favourite season.  Then of course the warmth of Summer comes round and I get my flip flops out and work in the beautiful sunshine in the garden I love Summer the best.

I’m fickle I guess. I prefer grateful! I’m grateful that I live in a country with such diverse seasons. Where every few months we get a renewed sense of appreciation for the world we live in.

 There is something particularly cosy and wonderful about Autumn though. I love blankets and hot drinks and sitting with a good book in front of a fire. The word “Hygge” which has become better known over the last few years, was created for Autumn I think.

Cosy, contented, twinkly lights, snuggles with loved ones and everything that makes you feel heart happy.

What is self care?

Put simply, self care is making sure you prioritise your needs, at least some of the time. It is that little nudge to make sure you are feeding your own soul and not just looking after everyone around you.

Here are a few ideas

  • Taking a bath
  • Reading a book
  • Going for a walk
  • Meeting friends for a coffee
  • Doing some exercise; running, dancing, golf, football…
  • Creating; painting, crafting, knitting, pottery, woodwork…
  • Cooking
  • Watching a film
  • the list goes on and on

You get the idea.

Do you see how perfectly all these self care activities lend themselves to Autumn? 

Is there anything more perfect than a walk through the woods with the orange and rust coloured leaves crunching under your feet? That slight chill in the air. Maybe you go alone, with a loved one, the dog or with the kids. Whatever makes you really happy. We used to go Dragon Hunting on Cannock Chase when my children were little, they loved it. Coming back with stones that they said were dragon eggs and running through the brown ferns breathing their own fire as they ran.

Another firm favourite is a long soak in a hot bath with a good book. I have been known to spend 3 hrs in the bath. I know! I love it, especially when it is cold outside, there is no better way to warm yourself through. Even better if you put some Epsom salts or sea salt in and a few drops of lavender oil. Magic. It just isn’t appealing in the hot summer months. 



I encourage you to take a few moments to think about all the ways you can make your life more Hygge this season. How can you care for yourself better? What do you love doing that would be a real treat this Autumn?

Make a conscious effort to change your approach to your daily routine and incorporate more self care. You won’t be sorry.

Self care is not the same as selfish! 

Self care is about refuelling so that you can continue to be of service to those you love and live your best life.

Here are a few other blogs I’ve written about self care if you want to do more reading:

The Importance of self care

The Importance of caring for our energetic self

Taking time out – why adults need time out too

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