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A little word told me…

When we feel confident we hold our head high, we stretch our comfort zone and achieve things we never dreamed were possible. We are more attractive and we attract more amazing opportunities into our lives, whether it is a new job, a new partner or the courage to follow our dreams, whatever they may be.

A little word bird

It seems somewhat inadequate to simply say thank you, but it is a deep, sincere and profound thank you. I’ve never signed up for a course like yours before but I’m so glad I did. Journaling has allowed me to start doing something for me. 

Thank you for opening that door in me and lighting the light and the most gentle nudge to take that first step… so lovely, not just for the writing prompts, but your gentle kindness in guiding us and through the community you have created.

Katharine McDonnell

A little word told me member

A little word told me… is a journaling and coaching programme. I have created it to encourage you to write every day.  I know how profoundly learning to develop your creativity and support your mental health through writing can change your life. I will guide you  to unlock your deepest desires and develop a writing practice which will ease any anxiety and give you the confidence and passion to follow your heart.

What you get:

  • Weekly emails with; journaling prompts
  • Monthly accountability and nurture with Kate via Zoom
  • Wellbeing advice
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Poems and writings
  • Support and tips
  • Extra nurturing and challenges from me in the private Facebook group

All this and the support of a group of like minded women who are on the same writing adventure as you for just £25 a month.

Kate writing

Who is this for?

Anyone who loves writing and being creative, particularly if you have been feeling anxious or a little lost recently and you need some gentle, nurturing guidance to help you start the year in the right way.

(Be aware that this course is not a replacement for clinical therapy. Please seek medical advice if needed.)

Kate working

I will show you how you can:

  • free yourself from your own self imposed writing limitations

  • make regular journaling a central component in your wellbeing practice

  • use writing to work through hidden emotions

  • discover your hearts desires using journaling

  • learn many mindfulness and wellbeing techniques to not only calm your mind but improve your writing

  • develop the confidence to share your writing, if that is what you would like to do

  • use the power of writing to grow your business or social media following

  • release the joy of writing into your life

It has been great to actually spend the time thinking about me a little more and what I want. This week I’ve started to scrape back the layers of others expectations to get to what I really need to do. I will let my inner self take the lead.

Sue Higgins

A little word told me member

Would you like to join this amazing writing community?

You would? Great. Places are limited to enable us to keep the sessions personal and really meaningful for everyone.

Despite the limited number of places you can join us today for only £25.

What people are saying about A little word told me…

I love the inspirational quotes. I really enjoy having a reminder in my inbox to write, as I don’t think I’m disciplined enough to do it off my own bat, yet. I reeeeeally love the live session, as I get a lot from talking through what comes out of my own reflections and from hearing about other people’s discoveries/experiences. I want more.

Jen Moore

A little word told me participant

Thank you to Kate for the opportunity to learn something new in a safe and comfortable environment.

Claire Logan

Journaling for Wellbeing Participant

These sessions have given me the confidence to just write.

Becky Hewitt

Journaling for Wellbeing participant

Kate Beddow

About me

I have spent the last 15 years supporting the wellbeing of women and children through my work as a therapist and teacher. I have used writing all my life to support my own wellbeing and use journal therapy tools to help you work through any issues you may have. I am contributing author in Women of Spirit, and am currently writing my memoir which is almost finished but won’t be released into the world until my children are a little older. I live in Stafford, UK, with her husband, Ian, and our two children.