page contents

I love to write

I love writing on a range of topics and sharing my learnings and aha moments with you. I have arranged all my articles and resources by topic to make it super easy for you to find exactly what you need to to enable you to be the hero of your own story. 

Difficult Decisions

How many decisions do you make a day?  It is thought that an average adult makes between 33,000 and 35,000 decisions a day. This is an average, some people have to make many more. Some decisions may be small and simple to make; What socks shall I wear? Do I need to...

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All that glitters…

All that glitters isn't gold... This week I have been reminded that often things aren't quite what they seem. Often we see a shiny object and go chasing after it, how often does it deliver the way we want it to? Not very many in ny experience. However, when it comes...

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Does what you are saying strike a chord?

Last week I gave a talk for a local children’s cancer charity. It was at a fundraising lunch and, as I always do, I walked in and looked around the room, taking in as much as I could about the audience I was about to address. I don’t know whether this is a throwback...

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