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Kate Beddow Writer

Kate and the media

As a passionate advocate for the power of writing and words, I relish every opportunity to share my message through the media. Whether it’s radio interviews, podcasts, or print articles, I love being able to spread the word about how writing can heal and empower personal transformation.

Although I’ve never been asked to do television, I’m excited about the prospect of exploring that avenue at some point in the future. As a former teacher, large audiences of any age group don’t faze me at all – in fact, I thrive on the energy of public speaking and connecting with people through my words.

From radio to podcasts and beyond, I’m always happy to talk about all things related to wellbeing and personal growth. The written and spoken word are my passion, and I look forward to any opportunity to share that enthusiasm with new audiences.

White Shores with Theresa Cheung

I was delighted when my friend Theresa asked me to be interviewed for series 4 of her White Shores podcast. I have known Theresa for a few years now and we always have so much fun together, as you will discover if you listen.

We talk about my life, my work with schools and my former company Calmer Classrooms, and so much more.

If you would like to have a listen you can click the image to listen for free on Spotify or search for White Shores series 4 on your podcast provider.

Kate Beddow Comic Con

MCM Comic Con – London 2017

As the official Mindfulness  trainer for the Church of Jediism’s “Become the Force” movement I was fortunate to be asked to be on a panel at MCM Comic Con in London in November 2017 along with some of my colleagues who were also involved in the project. This is such a valuable project it is always an honour to work with these incredible and inspiring people. 

Print Publications

I have been featured in many print publications from local papers such as The Sentinel, to national magazines like Soul and Spirit and industry specific publications such as Touch.have also been featured in and written for online publications including; TES, The Epoch Times and Teachwire. If you are looking for someone to write or talk about wellbeing in general, but particularly with a focus on journaling, mindfulness, meditation and the benefits of using words to heal, please use my contact page to get in touch,


Touch Interview

Epoch Times

Radio Interviews

This interview was done with Lee Middleton on Stafford FM back in 2012 when I was working with children and their wellbeing. I was working with families and that led me into my work with schools and creating Calmer Classrooms. I have done several interviews on local radio including Signal 1 interviewing me about sending positive energy to the England team during the World Cup. I have also been on many online radio stations including being interviewed by Lisa Williams, World Renowned Author, Medium and Speaker.

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