page contents

I love to write

I love writing on a range of topics and sharing my learnings and aha moments with you. I have arranged all my articles and resources by topic to make it super easy for you to find exactly what you need to to enable you to be the hero of your own story. 

Don’t be afraid to change

Are you afraid to change your life? Change can be really scary. None of us likes the unknown, familiar is always more comforting. Unfortunately "everything you want is on the other side of fear", as Jack Canfield said. I love change.  I know that is strange, and I...

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The Joy of an Artist Date

 What is an artist date? Artist dates are a concept created by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist's Way. The idea is that once a week you take yourself somewhere that will inspire you. Perhaps you go for a walk in nature, to a museum, go people watching in a cafe....

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